We are now accepting Applications!
FIREFIGHTER 1 & 2 / Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Positions
Paid on Call Positions
The Clinton Fire Department will be taking applications for four positions to start the probationary period for the 2019 fiscal year.
Fire Academy starts September of 2019
Emergency Medical Technician Course starts March of 2019
To Obtain an Application
For Applications stop by the Fire Station at 102 N. Jackson St.. Clinton or call 517-456-4371 during day time hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. Also call the Fire Chief anytime of day at 517-605-1063.
Before you make a decision to join a fire department you should have a very good understanding of the requirements and responsibility that come with that commitment.
First of all you need to understand that this is not a social club. We take our responsibility to the community very seriously. We are allowed to enter into people's lives in a way that most people never do. We see people at their most vulnerable times. We are entrusted by the citizens to carry out our duties to the highest level of honesty, integrity and responsibility. All members of the department must complete all State of Michigan required training as well as the Clinton Fire Department required training..
Below are the Policies to be followed by Clinton Fire Department for Recruits
POLICY: Description Probationary Firefighter - Policy # 76-117
POLICY: Description of Firefighter- Policy # 76-118
POLICY: Field Training Officer Program - Policy # 76-119
POLICY: Verbal or Written Warning - Policy # 76-131